
Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most

  這是來自美國俄亥俄州的Rascal Flatts,很有名的鄉村音樂團體,不過我對他們不熟就是了!網路上查了一下,得過滿多獎的說!而且專輯都賣的滿好的呢!這首What hurts the most真的太好聽了!說真的,失去最深愛的人聽了可能會更有感觸吧?我有放在我的音樂播放選單裡了,那現在來分享一下這首歌的MV囉!

   I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don’t bother me.
   I can take a few tears now and then and just let 'em out. 
   I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while.
   Even though going on with you gone still upsets me.
   There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok.
   But that’s not what gets me.

   What hurts the most. Was being so close.(Is being so close)
   And having so much to say. And watching you walk away.
   And never knowing. What could have been.
   And not seeing that loving you. Is what I was tryin’ to do.

   It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go.
   But I’m doin’ It.
   It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone.
   Still Harder, Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret.
   But I know if I could do it over.
   I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart.
   That I left unspoken.

   Not seeing that loving you. That’s what I was trying to do.

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