
Linkin Park - Valentine's Day

  這是去年五月聯合公園專輯Minutes To Midnight裡的一首歌,那時就很喜歡這首歌了啦!雖然現在不是Valentine's Day,不過卻一直在反覆的聽這首歌,這首歌還是很棒呀!

My insides all turn to ash,So slow. And blow away as I collapse,So cold.

A black winter been away,From sight.Another darkness over day,That night.
And the clouds above move closer,Looking so dissatisfied.
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing.
I used to be my own protection,But not now.'Cause my path has lost direction,Somehow.

A black winter cue away,From sight.Another darkness over day,That night.
And the clouds above move closer,Looking so dissatisfied.
And the ground below grew colder,As they put you down inside.
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing.

So now you're gone,And I was wrong.I never knew what it was like,
To be alone on a Valentine's Day.

I used to be my own protection,But not now.'Cause my path has lost direction,Somehow.

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