
Sixx A.M - Life is beautiful

  因為注意到DJ Ashba這位吉它手之後,剛始上網找一些有關他的資料,除了今年中才加入GNR之外,也是Sixx A.M的團員,世界有太多太多的團都不知道了。Life is beautiful是Sixx A.M發行The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack專輯中的一首歌。

  整張專輯都是和貝斯手Nikki Sixx有關,因他吸毒之後所寫下的日記,成了一本自傳,並在每一章節中寫一首歌,而發行的一張專輯。最喜歡的就是Life is beautiful這首歌了,在網路上看的資料,好像大家也比較喜歡這首呢。不過有一首Accidents Can Happen也滿不錯的。


   You can't quit until you try. You can't live until you die.
   You can't learn to tell the truth. Until you learn to lie.

   You can't breathe until you choke. You gotta laugh when you're the joke.
   There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.

   Just open your eyes. Just open your eyes.
   And see that life is beautiful.
   Will you swear on your life, that no one will cry at my funeral?

   I know some things that you don't. I've done things that you won't.
   There's nothing like a trail of blood. to find your way back home.

   I was waiting for my hearse. What came next was so much worse.
   It took a funeral to make me feel alive.

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