
Avantasia - Lost in space

  因為聽到The scarecrow這首歌之後開始找尋有關Avantasia的資訊,Lost in space是收錄在The scarecrow專輯裡面的一首歌,去年初發行的,而Avantasia是由滿多重金屬樂團組合的合唱團,很多聽外國重金屬迷應該都會知道吧?

  剛聽到The scarecrow的時侯被這首歌的時侯就迷上前奏了,只是這首歌真的太長了,不然原本想放這首歌的,後來還是決定放Lost in space。對於很早就知道Avantasia的人來說,這張The scarecrow的專輯對他們來說好像很失望?好像是太拔樂了。有機會的話在來聽聽前面二張專輯,比較看看哩!

   Another star has fallen without sound. Another spark has burned out in the cold.
   Another door to barrens standing open. And who is there to tell me not to give in, not to go?

   How could I know? how could I know? That I'll get lost in space to roam forever.
   How could I know? how could I see? Feeling like lost in space to roam forever.

   I'm crawling down, the doorway to the badlands. And kicking down are you heard it's to the black.
   And all the damage fading in the rear view mirror.
   And the demons are calling me, they're dragging me away.

   Lost in space, lost in time. Lost in space, lost in time. Lost in space.

   How could I know? How could I. How could I know? How could I know?
   That I'll get lost in space to roam forever.
   How could I know? How could I see. Feeling like lost in space to roam forever.

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