
Oasis - I'm Outta Time

  這是綠洲合唱團的最新專輯Dig Out Your Soul(靈魂解放)裡的其中一首歌,自己滿喜歡這樣子的舒情歌曲,這首歌像是替自己心中有著重要地位的人而寫的,我想每個人的心中應該都有值得尊重、懷念或是感傷的人吧?像我也是有的。

   Here's a song. It reminds me of when we were young.
   Looking back at all the things we’d done. You gotta keep on keeping on.

   Out to sea. It's the only place I honestly.
   Can get myself some peace of mind. You know it’s getting hard to fly.

   If I'm to fall. Would you be there to applaud.
   Or would you hide behind them all, cos if I am to go.
   In my heart you’d grow. And that's where you belong.

   Guess I'm outta time.

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